Which credit cards are right for you is the question. Credit cards are not all the same. Some have a fixed rate, which just means that the APR doesn't change much, if at all. Most credit cards let you use an open line of credit to buy things. Most of them are not secured or prepaid, but a few of them are. There are a lot of big companies that offer prepaid credit cards. They work a bit like debit cards because you have to open an account and put money on your credit card from this account. These are great for people just starting out or rebuilding their credit. People with good credit who want to save money on interest rates should get a card with a low interest rate. Some credit cards have an annual fee, while others don't. Some people get points. Store credit cards work like regular credit cards, except that there is no annual fee and you can only use the card at that store. These store cards can also help you build or fix your credit.
You'd be surprised at how many people don't bother to compare credit cards before they sign up for them. You should look at the details, features, and benefits of different credit cards. Find reviews, compare them, and read them before making a choice. You wouldn't buy a car without comparing its features and benefits, and you wouldn't buy a house without looking at several first. Just use these same rules to figure out how credit cards work.
Credit cards are easy for customers to use and can be helpful if they are used right. They are the best way to pay for big purchases while still getting points for small ones. Just look around and get the credit card that works best for you.