It can be just as hard to start over when you're single as it is after a major disaster or death in the family. We can't include young people who have never been in a relationship in this article because they don't know any better, have never raised children, or have never truly loved someone else. People who are divorced and living alone and are 30 years old or older have the hardest time adjusting to their new lives.
Statistics on divorce in the United States show that 59% of people are married and 10% of people are divorced (U.S. Divorce, 2002). For men, the average age of their first divorce is around 30, and the average age of their second divorce is around 40. This makes men a little older than the average college student without a job and a little younger than people trying to get Medicare. "They're too old to care, but they're too young for Medicare," says the saying.
Divorce is common in America because there isn't a strong social structure, families don't help each other, and religion doesn't have much power. Depending on the person and what they want, this can be good or bad. One thing is certain, though: a man in his 30s who is back on his own won't die.
Men who just got divorced have a lot going for them that their younger college friends don't. Most of the time, they look young and can live a healthy lifestyle with few health problems. They also have assets like a house and a nice car, and they have been working for a while so they have a good income. Lastly, and most importantly, they are grown up and know what they want to do with their lives. "You get what you see," and a young woman doesn't have to guess what this person will be like in 5 years.
So, when you feel sad about your recent divorce, just remember that you are in your most productive years and have more to offer than most people.