People with a lot of education and intelligence, especially scientists, are always much less religious than other people. But there are still people who think there is God in science. If we take out the people who feel like they need help and protection from the outside because of how bad their lives are, there are still people who come to believe in God because they are shocked by how many problems there are in the world. The surprising variety of subjects and things can be explained scientifically in principle because it can maintain a quasi-stable state and show growth.
Common sense says that if you want to explain how life can be so different, you have to admit that each separate subject, organism, social unit, and even computer programme should have its own internal cause-and-effect system, or "local determinism," that gives it its own internal life.
The usual idea of determinism doesn't take these kinds of things into account. This shows that the idea is scandalously weak. People can't find the needed cause in the framework of philosophy, so they have to turn to the always-available, exotic, and exciting fantasies of irrational sources like religion and mysticism.
Now, a lot can be done to fix the situation. Ring Determinism, a new idea that was just put out, uses a closed plot of the usual causal chain to find the required internal cause. This is a self-contained circuit that turns out to be in the guts of each separate natural formation. This circuit is the ontological base where each separate natural formation finds and shows its unique individuality and asserts itself as "causa sui"—the cause of itself.
From one element to the next, internal local actions that keep going around inside a separate body are passed on. It makes sure that all of its parts and subsystems work together in a systemic, synergetic way through the phenomena of "emergence," special internal policy, resistance to external actions, aggression directed outward, egotism, egocentrism, self-preservation, self-organization, and, finally, self-development.
One of the conclusions of ring determinism is that self-development is a miracle that happens when an internal cause is constantly circulating in a body and when external factors are always having an effect. This leads to a variety of subjects, organisms, social units, human products, and other things with surprising properties that can be seen.
The local causal loop can be closed by chance or on purpose. Then, if it has a long-lasting, semi-stable self-maintenance, self-resumption, or, in the case of dynamically developing systems, a determining vortex, it becomes the high-power engine that creates, saves, and causes a flock of living and nonliving natural formations in development.
Educated people can now breathe a sigh of relief because there is now a strong rational argument against the idea of creationism, and there is no longer any need to use irrational theories.