You won't be able to get a loan with no interest unless you borrow from a friend, family member, or someone who likes you a lot.
APR stands for annual percentage rate. The interest on a loan is what makes it worthwhile for a lender to give you money. The amount of interest you pay on a loan goes up as the APR goes up. This means that the amount of money you borrow goes up as well.
When you're looking for a loan, it's important to do your research. The internet is a great place to start, and you can often find the best deal there because many companies don't have to pay for overheads like rent, so they don't add that extra cost to the APR of your loan.
Look for loans with a low annual percentage rate (APR), and make sure you read the terms and conditions. Some companies may seem to offer a great deal, but if you read the fine print, you will see that if you pay off the loan early, they will charge you a fee. They may still ask you to pay back the full amount of the loan and all the interest you would have paid by the end of the term. And if they really want to make money off of you, they will add a nice administration charge on top.
So be careful. There are some good deals out there, or at least some decent deals. But you have to remember that lenders are in it for the money, not your personal situation. Don't ask a lender if the loan is good for you because they will tell you it is because they want your business.
It can be scary to look for a loan, but if you do some research, you can find a good deal and avoid getting burned in the future.