If you are a loan officer or mortgage broker who wants to buy subprime mortgage leads, you might not want to start by going to a store. Instead, you might want to look online.
But before you do that, you should find a mortgage lead provider that can give you exactly what you want, which is subprime leads.
If you want to find subprime mortgage leads, a good place to start would be with a lead provider that lets you get only subprime leads. Either by picking the best ones or by a process of filtration.
Avoid lead companies that send you a lot of leads, because not all of them will be subprime, and you wouldn't want to waste your hard-earned money.
If your niche is subprime, give lead companies that let you set up filters for the kind of subprime leads you're looking for serious thought.
For example, you could set up your filter based on state, loan amount, loan-to-value ratio, etc. But most importantly, you can set up your filter to send you leads whose credit ratings are poor to fair.
This is not a bad way to go if foreclosures are also your specialty.
Remember that you should check out a mortgage lead company's website and customer service department before you invest with them. If you don't like what you see and hear, you're probably not going to like the leads, either.