These days, you can get a shower screen for a small amount of money. At the same time, at the very top of the market, you can spend hundreds of dollars on something very nice. So what is the difference, exactly?
First, let's look at the shower screens that cost the least. Almost all of them are made in China with cheap parts, and they can have a lot of different problems. Most of the time, the glass will be thin and easy to break, and the frame may start to stick quickly. You might even find that it moves by itself!
At the more expensive end of the market, you can find clever answers to any problem a shower screen could have. The glass will be made stronger, and it could be as thick as 0.5 cm. The Shower screen's guides will be quiet and easy to move.
Aside from these technical features, more expensive shower screens will also look a lot better than cheaper ones because the people who made them took the time to come up with designs that look good. Even if you're not using it, you have to look at the shower screen in your bathroom every day.
But some expensive shower screens have features that you don't need. Often, they can be used with different kinds of showers. This saves you the trouble of figuring out which one you need, but it also means that you might be paying for something you'll never use. Also, in real life, there isn't much difference between, say, 5mm toughened glass and 2mm toughened glass, other than the huge price difference.
Then what do you do? Overall, it's better to spend a little more and stay away from the cheapest options on the market. If you don't want to replace your shower screen every year or even more often, you'll save more money in the long run if you buy something good. But as you move up in price, you have to spend a lot more to get a lot more. So buy inexpensively, but not too cheaply.