Payday loans have been getting a lot of bad press lately because states and cities are trying to regulate an industry that lends small amounts of money legally at interest rates that can reach a staggering 1,000% per year. The car title loan is a...
Home mobility products like adjustable beds, riser recliner chairs, and stair lifts can now be covered by an extended warranty and accidental damage insurance. So, protection will be given in case of accidental damage, such as a mechanical or...
Almost every motor home you buy will come with some kind of warranty. Whether you buy something new or used, the warranty will, of course, be different. New cars come with longer warranties than used cars. However, the warranty on both types of...
Even though gas prices keep going up, Americans still love to drive recreational vehicles. They are big and bulky and don't get good gas mileage, but it's nice to be able to drive a vehicle that has some of the comforts of home and is easy to...
When buying a car, everyone thinks about the warranty, but few people realise that they still need to think about it after buying the car. You go to a car dealer, and they try to get you to buy a car that is perfect for you. In many cases, the...