Many students deal with credit card offers, bills, loan offers, spending temptations, and budgets for the first time when they go to college. In a small way, it's like being in the real world, since the student is responsible for all of the...
A recent study by the National Center for Education Statistics shows that half of recent college graduates have student loans, with an average debt of $10,000. College costs rise at twice the rate of inflation on average. With college costs going...
If you are good at golf and want to go to college, you should at least look around to see if any colleges or universities offer scholarships for students. People who do well in school are always looking for scholarships, but they aren't always...
Baby boomer couples can save money on health care by pooling their money to lower the cost of long-term care premiums. Instead of getting long-term care insurance for just one person, advisers and analysts say you can sometimes save money on...
Some people may think that college isn't important, but most people who want to get ahead financially and socially don't think so. Because young professionals around the world are getting more and more competitive, globalisation has made...
If you're thinking about buying a home or refinancing, you've probably heard about credit scores. So, what is a credit score, and how does it affect you?
Understanding the link between your credit score and your mortgage
The idea...
Life can move so fast that we often don't have time to think about important things. One of these choices is whether to rent or buy a house.
The Choice to Buy or Rent a Home
Renting or buying is one of the most important choices...
Shared ownership mortgages were made so that people could buy their own homes even if they couldn't afford to buy the whole thing at once. The share of property is usually 50%, but it could also be 25% or 75%. Housing...
Homeownership is one of the things that keeps people in the middle class in the United States. In fact, the government gives incentives to encourage people to own their own homes.
Home loans and sites run by the government
When someone wants to buy a home for the first time, it can be a little scary. Just remember that the benefits are much bigger than the risks.
The benefits of owning a home outweigh the risks.
Having a home is good in many ways....