If you still owe money on your credit card, you're not the only one. Almost 70% of Americans carry a balance from one month to the next on at least one of their credit cards. Many of these cards have sky-high interest rates that add up to a lot...
Over the next three years, house prices, the cost of borrowing, inflation, and the cost of living are all expected to go up. But some people are finding that their wages don't keep up with these changes and are falling deeper and deeper into...
Are you thinking about getting a loan to get some extra cash? If you are, the interest rate is the most important thing to figure out when getting a loan. The cost of borrowing money goes down when the interest rate goes down.
When you...
Some smart financial decisions can change our financial future. If you make the right financial choice, you can save a lot of money. And refinancing your current home can be a good idea if you decide to do it at the right time and in the right...
Interest rates are very important to every economy because they affect monetary policy, investment, inflation, and unemployment. Most of the time, interest rates are given as a percentage over the course of one year. It can also mean the fee a...
Since borrowers don't know the finance companies that give them the money they need to buy real estate on a personal level, there needs to be a way for these companies to figure out the risks associated with each applicant. Because of this, every...
When people get loan quotes, they want to know "the bottom line," which means the answer in plain English. But the problem we all face is that it's often as painful as pulling teeth to try to figure out what the "bottom line" is.
Take, for...
Refinancing is a popular topic right now, but few people really know what it means. People often ask me if they should refinance their home, so let's take a look at that first.
You might want to refinance your home for many different...
Home Mortgage Loan California Helps You Get the House of Your Dreams:
You want to live in California, where there are palm trees, nice beaches, and nice weather. You might have even found the house you want, but now you need to find a...
Using the equity in your home as collateral is a great way to get a lot of credit. In recent years, more and more homeowners see home equity loans as the easiest way to pay off other debts, make repairs or additions to their homes, or cover extra...