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FHA Mortgages - Federal Housing Administration

By Team iBizExpert On February 10, 2022 01:36 PM No Comments
Since 1934, the Federal Housing Administration has helped people in the United States get loans. Here's a quick look at the Administration, which is also known as the FHA. Housing and Urban Development In a strange way, the...

Why This Lawyer Says You Should Buy Car Insurance From An Independent Broker

By Team iBizExpert On February 08, 2022 12:39 AM No Comments
I don't sell car insurance, but as a personal injury lawyer, I often see people get hurt because they have the wrong kind of insurance coverage. Most of the time, this is because they bought their insurance directly from the company rather than...

Medical Treatment

By Team iBizExpert On February 07, 2022 10:15 AM No Comments
What is most people's biggest worry about going to the doctor for medical care? Well, for many people, it will be the pain of a medical exam or something else like that. But for a large number of people, their biggest worry about the doctor is...

Health Insurance Up 78 Percent Since 2000, Along With Policy Terminations!

By Team iBizExpert On February 03, 2022 05:12 AM No Comments
This year, health insurance went up by 7.7%, which is twice the rate of inflation. Since 2000, premiums have gone up by 78%, while salaries have only gone up by 20%. When you compare the two, you start to see the real picture. This year,...

Do You Need Life Insurance

By Team iBizExpert On January 09, 2022 02:52 AM No Comments
It can be hard to know if you need life insurance or not. Life insurance is a big financial commitment and investment that will last for a long time. Because of this, you should think carefully about whether or not it is the best way to reach...

Cover the Uninsured Week Provides Opportunities for All Americans to Get Involved in Solving National Problem

By Team iBizExpert On January 09, 2022 07:05 PM No Comments
Nearly 46 million Americans, including more than 8 million children, don't have health insurance. They take a chance every day that they won't get sick or hurt, and the problem is getting worse. Because of this, millions of Americans with...

Car Insurance FAQs

By Team iBizExpert On January 08, 2022 07:28 AM No Comments
Can I get insurance for a modified or old car? Who will cover it? Yes, you can insure a car that has been changed, but because your car is a specialist car, not all auto insurance companies might be willing to cover it because it needs...

Car Insurance. Uninsured Cars To Be Crushed

By Team iBizExpert On January 08, 2022 06:28 AM No Comments
Are you one of the one in twenty people who drive without insurance most of the time? You should be careful, because your car could be going to be crushed and sent to China, which has the world's largest scrap smelter. Police now have the...

Car Insurance. Involved In An Accident With An Uninsured Driver?

By Team iBizExpert On January 08, 2022 05:38 AM No Comments
Ten times as many uninsured drivers drink and drive, and three times as many are caught driving without paying attention. Every six months, they also cause an accident. In fact, one out of every twenty drivers often drives without insurance. So,...

7 Things Seniors (and Everyone Else) Should Know About FDIC Insurance

By Team iBizExpert On January 05, 2022 02:25 PM No Comments
How much do your savings get protected by the FDIC? Older Americans put their savings and trust in FDIC-insured bank accounts because they want to feel safe about the money they've worked so hard to save over the years. Here are a few...

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