If you want to get a credit card, why not start with one that doesn't charge you interest for a certain amount of time? This way, you can save the money you would have spent on interest fees while you decide if credit cards are right for you. You...
Can you really get out of debt by consolidating your credit card debt for free? This is a question that a lot of people want to know the answer to, since it's clear that debt consolidation is a very appealing idea and that debt consolidation...
How many times a day do you get phone calls or emails offering you free credit cards with money-back plans, low introductory rates, and other perks? All banks and other financial institutions try to get as many customers as possible. They do this...
With the number of credit card scams going up, you need to be very careful with how you use and store your card.
With so many people using credit cards, it's important to keep an eye on credit card fraud, which is on the rise in a big way...
Most people get loans to buy a house, start a business, or buy a car these days. Many students take out loans to pay for school. Your credit score, which is based on your credit report, will determine how quickly the loan is approved, the...
Have you ever thought about how nice it would be to always have a credit card with 0% APR, no matter what? Well, here's a list of seven things you need to do every day to make that happen.
0 APR credit cards are here to stay. We've...