If you want to get a credit card, why not start with one that doesn't charge you interest for a certain amount of time? This way, you can save the money you would have spent on interest fees while you decide if credit cards are right for you. You can spend the money you've been given on credit without having to worry about paying interest. You might even start to feel like credit cards are a gift from God.
Think about when you buy something big. You can pay cash with your credit card while choosing an easy way to pay it back that fits your budget. It's too bad that credit card companies don't show the actual APR that will be charged after the interest-free period.
The best way to use this period without interest is to buy something big and pay it off before they start charging you interest. The time without interest varies. Some issuers give you six months and others give you 12 months, which is plenty of time to pay off the debt you owe. So, you can make sure there are no nasty surprises waiting for you.
But how do you know which has the lowest APR? The best way to start is to look at all of the major credit card companies. If you see a loan with a long interest-free period, ask the lender what the APR will be after the interest-free period ends, and they will tell you.
If they don't want to tell you this information, don't waste your time. Most card companies will tell you, but some shady ones might not, so they can catch you off guard. But it's always good to know what you're getting into before you start. If you don't, you'll get into trouble quickly. It's easy to get into credit card debt, but it's hard to get out of it. If you listen to these warnings, you won't become a statistic.