If you settle for less than what you owe on a credit card, it could hurt your credit score. But a smudge is much better than a big smear, which is what would happen if you stopped paying and the credit company just wrote off your debt. So, if you...
Worried about having enough money to live on your own? Even if you have credit card debt, you should invest now.
Plan out what you want to do.
No matter how much credit card debt you have or how little, chances are you want to...
One of the most common New Year's resolutions is to get out of debt. Most people forget or give up on their plan to get out of debt before the first month is over, just like they do with most New Year's resolutions. Here are some ways to help you...
How to Get Help for Big Debt
When creditors keep calling and sending you mail full of overdue bills and you don't want to turn on your cell phone because they got your number, it's hard to know where to turn and what to do.
If you...
Holiday shopping brings together people who want to save money and stores that want to keep the once-mighty dollar. As always, this economic game has winners and losers. From a business point of view, the winners are the stores that met or beat...
Now that the holiday shopping season is over, we can focus on the new year. Every new year gives us hope and new ideas. We plan to make changes in many parts of our lives. We start the new year with great plans, whether they are for better...
Credit card payments have recently gone through the roof, causing millions of people to look for ways to get out of debt.
While people struggle to make even their minimum monthly payments, credit card companies are making more money than...
Are you sick of worrying about money so much that it keeps you up at night? Do you look at your monthly statements and almost throw up when you see how much interest you've earned? If so, it's time to get serious and realistic about getting rid...
The average American family has credit card debt of more than $9,000, and many people owe much more than this. Unfortunately, people end up in this situation because of a wide range of unplanned events. In fact, a lot of people have used their...
The debt settlement (debt negotiation) industry has changed a lot in the past few years. As a result, there is a lot of information about debt settlement that is completely false.
For example, I just read an article that says all debt...