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Identity Theft And Mail

By Team iBizExpert On April 10, 2022 02:48 AM No Comments
Contrary to what you may read in the news today, identity theft is not limited to digital media. Even though there are a lot of reports of computers at universities or stores being hacked or laptops being lost or stolen, Identity Theft can also...

Bankruptcy And Home Loan Refinance Options

By Team iBizExpert On March 17, 2022 03:07 AM No Comments
After a bankruptcy, it can be hard to refinance a home loan. Your lender might or might not help you get a better handle on your money. You will have to look into your options to find a good programme. It might be better for you not to use the...

Baby Boomer Couples Cutting Health Care Costs

By Team iBizExpert On March 16, 2022 04:30 PM No Comments
Baby boomer couples can save money on health care by pooling their money to lower the cost of long-term care premiums. Instead of getting long-term care insurance for just one person, advisers and analysts say you can sometimes save money on...

Accessing Information About Tax Services

By Team iBizExpert On March 14, 2022 05:42 PM No Comments
The Federal, State, and local governments have put together a long list of publications to help taxpayers learn about the tax system. Businesses need a variety of tax services to run their businesses every day, and these books will teach small...

Cutting Heating Costs

By Team iBizExpert On March 08, 2022 04:11 AM No Comments
You can cut down on the high costs of heating your home by taking care of your furnace and making smart purchases. That's good news, since energy bills are already at all-time highs and are expected to keep going up. In fact, a recent article in...

Cut Your Utility Bill

By Team iBizExpert On March 08, 2022 04:01 AM No Comments
Well, our utility bills have thrown us all for a loop. So, what can be done to reduce the cost of energy? Obviously, the best way to lower your utility bill is to get your energy from a source other than your utility company. Solar energy...

Student Loan Consolidation Rates Set to Increase on July 1

By Team iBizExpert On March 03, 2022 02:55 PM No Comments
The Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 was voted on and passed by Congress on February 1. It cut federal student loan programmes by a lot. The $11.9 billion in cuts to student loans, which include changes to the law on student loan consolidation, will...

Life Insurance and the Law. A layman's introduction.

By Team iBizExpert On February 06, 2022 07:52 AM No Comments
In the UK, there are no laws that say a person must have life insurance. It's completely up to you if you want to buy it. About 40% of the people who work in the UK have life insurance, either through their own policy or through a deal with their...

Rising Insecurity- Rising Demand for Private Jet Charter Services

By Team iBizExpert On February 01, 2022 02:30 PM No Comments
Because airport security is getting worse, more and more companies now prefer to fly on private charter jets. Air Charter Guide did a survey and found that business bookings of private jet charters went up by 80% in the two weeks after the...

Auschwitz Death Camp, Lesson Learned?

By Team iBizExpert On January 28, 2022 09:33 PM No Comments
During WWII, Auschwitz was the most well-known of the Nazi work camps. There, a man or woman could be sent to the gas chambers or used in medical experiments at any time. They could also be given an injection of phenol to the heart, which would...

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