To get out of debt and improve your financial future, you need to know how your credit score and credit report work. Here is the information you need.
You might wonder why some people with the same income or job can walk into a bank and...
Bankruptcy used to be a big no-no, but now it's pretty common. Without even thinking about it, tens of thousands of Americans face bankruptcy every year.
Why many businesses go bankrupt
There are many things that can cause a...
Your free credit report tells you everything you need to know about your credit history. You can personally ask for your credit report and get the information online. An online service lets you get a "free copy of my credit report" without much...
Mortgage, cell phone, car payment, insurance, cable, utilities, and other loans can add up and make it hard to keep track of everything. Before you know it, you feel like all you do is pay bills and that the things you own control you. It seems...
For most people with bad credit and no money, getting perfect credit seems like a pipe dream. People think that hiring a credit repair company or a lawyer to dispute bad credit will cost a lot of money. They are correct! I guess that's where the...
People want to get sick just thinking about how dangerous our financial situation is in this country, like the well-known subprime mortgage meltdown. This financial epidemic has not only hurt individuals, but also a large number of "mom and pop"...
If you don't keep an eye on your credit and credit reports, you could be in for a big shock.
The amount of interest you pay on credit cards, mortgages, and personal loans is based on your credit report. You need to make sure it is right...