The credit score is what the credit bureaus use to decide if you are eligible to borrow money from them or not. If you haven't been able to pay your bills in the past, you won't be given another loan. Bad credit will follow you around for the...
A civil case can be brought to the County Court in England and Wales or the Sheriff Court in Scotland when a person can't pay his debts. The court can make a decision against the debtor, which is called a judgement (or a decree in Scotland) and...
There are many places and lenders that give personal loans to people with bad credit without checking their credit. Most of the time, you can get these kinds of loans without a credit check because you have to have a bank account with either a...
You can still get a loan even if you are or have been bankrupt. Some lenders and other financial professionals, as well as your neighbours, friends, family, and well-meaning but misinformed people, might try to convince you that if you file for...
In recent years, more and more people have been getting payday loans, which are also called "paycheck advances." There are more and more men and women who need quick cash because they have too many bills or an emergency. The way payday loans work...
When you use the Annual Credit Report website, you can check your annual credit report and get a free credit report right away. The government says that this website is the only place where you can get information quickly and for free. With an...
Do you know what you need to do before you buy a house? You may know that you need a down payment and that your credit should be good. But do you really have everything you need right now to buy a house? You might be surprised to find out what it...
For people with bad credit, loans that don't check their credit may seem like a dream come true. But loans with no credit check are not at all what you might think. You can't use a loan that doesn't check your credit to buy a car or a...
People who worry that they won't get a loan because they don't have a good credit history or a low credit score are usually the ones who don't have either of those things. No Credit Check Loans are a way for these types of borrowers to get money....
Everyone who wants a loan, whether it's a personal loan or a loan with or without collateral, looks for three things: great rates, advice from an expert, and a quick payout.
All of these things make up an unsecured loan in the end....