When you're trying to decide what new credit card to get, there are a few that offer a low rate balance transfer and low interest for the first however many months if you switch to them. But what does that mean in real life?
Even if you...
We are getting a lot of different kinds of credit cards. We may have heard that credit card crimes are on the rise. But at the same time, we can't help but notice that the number of people who want credit cards isn't going down. More and more...
Credit card companies have always tried to get more people to use their cards. Because there is so much competition in the credit card market, these companies have no choice but to do what they do. There seem to be too many credit card companies,...
Small businesses are becoming more and more likely to accept credit cards. A research group that looked at the business world found that more than two-thirds of small businesses use credit cards to pay their bills. But only two-fifths of these...
Grace periods on credit cards are the amount of time a creditor gives a customer to pay off a purchase before they start charging interest.
The amount of time given varies from account to account, but most grace periods are between 20 and...
Financing is always a factor for small businesses that are just starting out. During the first, most important years, a small business needs enough capital to grow and get through the growing pains. The financial plans in the business plan may...
I often find myself wondering how we lived without credit cards for so long. Even though you can get by without one today, there are a lot of things you won't be able to do if you don't have one. Having one isn't the only important thing. You...
Like a personal credit card, a business credit card is a quick and easy way to get, give, and spend loans. A business credit card applicant doesn't have to do much more than fill out a short application or type in a few pieces of information on...
What would we do if we didn't have societal norms? Everywhere we look, we come up with another generalisation. Take the relationship between college students and their credit cards as an example. We all seem to believe that no student can handle...