If you are a loan officer or mortgage broker and you are considering purchasing leads, or you are disgusted with the leads you are currently receiving, you may want to consider looking into "real time" leads.
Hot leads, like real-time leads, are something to think about. This means that as soon as your prospect sends in their online form, you will get the lead.
Another thing you should know about real-time leads is that when you get one, you know it will be a good one.
Many companies that sell leads sell what are called "junk leads," which are leads that have already been used.
Recycled leads move from one lead company to the next, where they are bought at a discount and then sold for a profit to loan officers.
Before a lead like this lands on the desk of a loan officer, it has already been handled by at least a dozen other loan officers.
There is almost no chance of getting a loan from this lead.
Do your research before choosing a lead company that deals with real-time leads. Call the mortgage lead company and speak with someone in customer service.
Learn where they get their leads. If they don't get the leads from the websites they own and run themselves, they probably get them from third-party vendors. In this case, it would be best to move on to the next company on your list.