If you have bad credit, you might not be able to get an unsecured credit card with a low interest rate. It seems that unsecured credit cards are only for people with good credit scores and not for people who are in debt and need help. Credit cards give you a sense of security when you're travelling and can be used instead of cash when you don't have it with you. If you want to call it that, it's a form of debt management, but this time it comes with low-interest cards that often also come with fun and special rewards.
So, if you have a good credit score and almost no credit card debt, which means you don't use credit cards for much other than emergencies, but you want or need a small credit line, say a few hundred dollars, just for emergencies, low rate alternatives can lower your interest rates and save you money. You are in a unique position to decide what you want in a credit card and a lender, and you can shop based on that list. Say, for example, you want a card with no annual fees and no APR% rate. Then, your choices could be:
Chase Platinum Credit is one of the few cards that can meet these requirements because it has no annual fee and a 0% APR rate for the first six months. They also have travel rewards that let you earn points (or cash back) that can be used for hotels, flights, cruises, and car rental agencies. Also, if you have one of their cards, you are automatically covered by travel insurance.
The introductory rate for Discover Platinum is 0%APR, and you can get cash back bonuses of between 2% and 5%.
Bank of America's VisaPlatinum has a fixed APR of 8.9% for all balance transfers, as well as high credit lines and no annual fees.
Of course, it is your job to carefully read each lender's terms and conditions and make sure you understand them before you sign an agreement. Once you sign the contract, you have to follow the terms, so it's best to know them ahead of time.
Even if you've had credit problems in the past or have a high-risk rating, there are still places online with big databases that can help you find a card lender.
Small business owners have always had trouble getting credit card companies to work with them, but things are getting better because there are now lenders who are willing to work with small businesses:
Advanta's Platinum Business Card gives 0% APR on balance transfers and a low introductory rate for accounts that don't involve a balance transfer. There is no annual fee, and you can get up to $50,000 in credit. Advanta does have some cash back or travel rewards built into their card advantages, as well.
Again, it's important for anyone looking for a credit card lender to carefully look over the terms and conditions of each company, since each one has a different product.