Is there a subject you know a lot about? Have there been certain problems in your life that you had to solve? Do you have a craft or hobby that you're very interested in? During your career, you may have gotten really good at a skill in a technical area. Have you ever thought that you could do something better if you had the chance?
We've all put enough time and effort into some part of our lives to learn a certain set of skills or facts about it. As we get closer to or reach retirement age, we no longer value our experience, knowledge, and skills as much as we used to.
What if there was a way for you to set up a "Information Stand" on your own street and have a steady stream of people stop by every day? They would even pay you a small fee to get their questions answered about your topic. Do you think this could give you a little extra money to help with your retirement? Yes, it sure would.
Think back to your childhood. On a hot Summer day, did you ever have a Kool-Aid stand on your street? Yes, it was awesome. Adults would pay 5 cents per cup, and some would even pay more. When you ran out of Kool-Aid, you would just make another batch. You could keep doing this until all the adults' thirst was satisfied, at which point sales would stop.
Well, it's easy to set up a "Information Stand" on the Internet where you can answer questions about your favourite subject. Your "Information Stand" has some interesting features that make it better than a Kool-Aid stand:
- Unlike the Kool-Aid stand, people never stop coming to your Information Stand. In fact, as word of your Information Stand spreads through the Internet like a virus, more and more people will come to you for answers to their questions. At all hours of the day and night, people from all over the world will come to your Information Stand. People will come if you build it.
- Instead of just having your Information Stand on your street, you can put it on the Internet, which is the biggest information superhighway of them all.
- Unlike the Kool-Aid stand, you don't have to be there to sell the information. You can even sell information while you are sleeping or out playing with the other "kids."
- People start to see you as an expert. Yes, the more people come to your stand, the more people will see you as a reliable source of information about your topic. When this happens, people will think your information is more valuable, and they will be willing to pay more for it.
- Unlike Kool-Aid, Information is always available. In fact, the conversations and research you do while building your Information Stand help you learn even more and better information.
- As word about your information stand spreads like a virus, the number of people coming to your stand will grow in an exponential way.
The best news is that you can now set up your Information Stand on the Internet for less than $30 and a little bit of your time. The software you need to do this is free to download, and the other parts are cheap to buy (a domain name costs $7 and an autoresponder costs $20). You can watch video tutorials on my website that will show you how to set up your Information Stand. Nothing could be simpler!
Today, take your place on the Internet. Use your experience and knowledge to make extra money for your retirement. You already know what you need to know, so just find your niche and get going. Not everything has to be just right. "Imperfect action is more productive than perfect inaction!" has been said. Start moving forward today.