All of this is too much. You have so much debt that you don't know what to do. Have you considered a personal debt consolidation loan? No matter how bad things seem, as long as you have a job, you can consolidate your debts and lower your monthly bills. If you have to make several credit card payments every month on top of other personal or consumer debt, you know how stressful it can be to have a lot of debt. A personal debt consolidation loan could help you get out of a lot of trouble in a reasonable way.
People who have a lot of debt face a very real personal problem, but they also have to deal with the very real problem of being embarrassed. You need help, but you don't know who to trust. You don't want your private business talked about at the dinner tables of other people. This fear can make you feel stuck, like you need to do something but are too afraid to. A personal debt consolidation loan could be your key to financial freedom, and no one needs to know.
Still, if you could let down your guard a little and trust someone (like a financial or debt counsellor), you might be able to get the help you need to make your situation better. A good debt counsellor could help you find the best personal loan to consolidate your debts based on your own needs. Also, once the much-needed rescue operation is done, he or she can help you make a good short-term budget and a long-term financial plan that will help you improve your financial situation over time.
Still, it's important to note that a personal debt consolidation loan shouldn't be looked at in a vacuum. If you consolidate your debt but don't cancel your credit cards once the balances are paid off, you're asking for trouble. Be strong and get rid of your credit cards to avoid problems in the future. Just make sure your budget includes money for emergencies. If you can't use a credit card, you might just have to get very creative about how you get money. But, hey, you'll win in the long run!
If you have a lot of debt payments, a personal debt consolidation loan can help you get out of debt and improve your finances, but only if you are willing to do the work you need to do on yourself. You didn't get stuck in the sticky tentacles of debt because you were forced to. No matter what started it, you made the choices that led to where you are now. How can you change your future if you won't admit that you contributed to your financial mess? This means that if you don't admit your mistakes and change the way you deal with things, you're likely to keep making the same mistakes.
You can get rid of your debt quickly with a personal debt consolidation loan, but if you want a better life in the long run, you'll have to change the way you handle your money.