You might not believe it, but there are a lot of credit card offers for college students out there. The hardest part seems to be figuring out which credit card is best for you as a college student. Here are some credit card offers for college students that might help you decide.
Citi Platinum Dividend card for college students
With this college student credit card offer, you can get a 0% APR on purchases made in the next six months. This card also lets you get cash advances and move money from one account to another. But keep in mind that this only works if you don't break the credit card agreement in any way.
Also, with this credit card for college students, you can get 2% cash back on purchases made at gas stations, grocery stores, convenience stores, and other utilities. On top of that, you can earn an extra 1% cash back on any purchases you make besides the ones above.
Even if you don't believe it, this credit card for college students is a good way to start building your own credit history. Note that there is no annual fee that you have to pay. Also, you need to have a good credit score to get one.
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What's the point of working and studying all semester if you can't sit back, take it easy, and enjoy the results of your hard work? Also, when you relax, you can save all your energy for the next school day so you can work and study.
Thanks to this credit card offer for college students, the Discover Tropical Student credit card has no annual fee and 0% APR on all purchases made in the first six months. Even if you don't believe it, there is also a fraud guarantee that costs nothing if it happens. This credit card offer for college students can also be used online. There is also a bonus cash back of 5% for popular consumer categories that change every year, like restaurants, gas stations, clothing stores, and other places.
Also, you get an extra 1% cash back on any purchase you make right away. Again, you need to have good credit or build it up before you can apply.
Offer from Universal Mastercard for college students
This particular credit card is made just for college students who have been accepted to a university or college for at least four years. This credit card for college students has an introductory rate of 0% for the first six months on all purchases and balance transfers.
Also, you don't have to pay a fee every year for this card. Even if you don't believe it, when you sign up for this college student credit card, you get two free movie tickets with your first credit card purchase.
You get a point for every purchase, which you can then use to get free DVDs, CDs, movie tickets, and other things.
This credit card for college students lets you transfer a balance. Again, to be able to apply, you need to have a good credit score.
All in all, there are a lot of credit card offers for college students from which you can choose. The important thing is to choose the one that fits your needs, wants, and budget the best. Make sure you know what you want and then move on. Choose wisely at all times.