To build a business in IT consulting, you need to be patient and work hard. Follow up with people you know, join networking groups, and send out direct mail to get more IT consulting clients.
To start an IT consulting business, you need to be patient and committed. Getting new clients is often the hardest part. This article tells you about some more steps you should take before starting your own IT consulting business.
Step 1: Make a plan for following up with the people you met through networking.
For each business card you get, write down the date you met the person and anything else you think is important. If they said something like, "Hey, give me a call about that," or "Hey, call me on Tuesday to set that up," you should do it right away.
If not tomorrow, do it as soon as possible. If you can't follow up with a phone call, send a handwritten note saying that you're looking forward to seeing them again and that if they need any help until then, they should call you. Include your card in the note. Put your contact's card in a Rolodex and tell him to call you back in 30, 60, or 90 days.
Step 2: Look at your networking organization choices again.
Look over the different networking groups you went to as a guest again. What did you like about them? Which ones have the best chance of bringing in the most money? Start joining groups and taking part. The goal is to get known and become more well-known in your community.
Choose at least four groups to join. You can give your check to the director or office manager in person. Tell him or her straight out that you just started an IT consulting business and are looking for small businesses that you can help with LANs and other things. Ask them what the best way is to get to know these small business owners who are most likely to need your IT consulting services.
You should talk to eight or ten people at every 60 to 90 minutes event. Half of them might be a waste of time, half might be possible clients, and the other half might be possible referrals. You just need to stay on top of things and keep your name in front of them.
After the first 90 days, when you've been to one of these events every week, you should move on to networking that will last longer.
Step 3: Send out your first direct mail campaign
Have the testimonials from your past clients ready, and get the directory of your networking groups on a disc. Send a personal letter and a business card to every member who might be interested in IT consulting. Give them a coupon for a free 30-minute needs assessment that has an end date. Tell them you hope to see them at an upcoming event, and if you want to follow up, you can always call them.