So many people today are having trouble meeting their financial obligations because they don't have enough money. There may also be a small amount of money coming in. One way you can save more money is by lowering how much your car insurance costs each month. Often, there are extras or other ways to save money that you might not need. Here are some tips to help you get better insurance rates for yourself.
Look over your auto insurance plan.
Take out your current car insurance policy and look at the discounts you get for certain things. Depending on how old you are and how much experience you have, you may be able to get discounts that aren't listed yet. Check to see if your driver's ed classes and any security devices you have are on the list. You can also get discounts if you just got married or if you have a second car.
See what else you can do besides these. Talk to your insurance agent and ask questions if you don't know what they are for. He or she will be happy to tell you about them.
Talk to your travel agent about getting rid of extras.
Ask your insurance agent what else you might be able to do to get better rates while you are talking to them. They might tell you to get rid of a few things you don't really need. Also, if you have grown children on your policy who now have their own cars and insurance, they do not need to be on your policy.
Another thing you can do is try to get your deductible lowered. This is how much money you pay at the beginning. If your deductible is low, your monthly premiums will be higher. If your deductible is only about $250, you are probably paying more than you should. Try raising it to $500 or, better yet, $1,000. Don't forget, though, that you will have to pay your deductible before your auto insurance company will pay anything.
If you drive an older car, you might also be able to get rid of your comprehensive insurance. This pays for the damage to your car if you get into an accident. If your car is more than 10 years old and you have full coverage insurance, you are probably paying the value of your car each year.
Get Comparison Quotes Online
If you are still not happy, you can get some car insurance quotes online. The best way to do this is to go to the website of an auto insurance brokerage, which is a company that represents more than one company, and get quotes from all of them with one application. Go to at least two of these kinds of websites and you'll get seven or eight different quotes. If you carefully compare them, you might be able to get a better deal.