The usual way to set up an intranet is to buy a software package, change it to fit your needs, and install it on your system.
In the past few years, another option, the use of a web-based solution, has become more popular.
Here are some things to think about as you decide between installed software and a web-based intranet:
- Everyone needs to use the intranet. This is the most important thing.
To make sure that a lot of people use the intranet, it needs to be easy to set up, easy to use, cheap to maintain, and give each user the freedom to post, access, and use content in a way that fits their needs. In short, everyone must be able to benefit from the intranet.
Web-based intranets are made with this idea in mind. The interface and navigation are similar to how they use the web, so they feel in control and can use tools they are used to.
On the other hand, there are a lot of beautiful software-based intranets that have failed in the business world. Why? Because they were supposed to make the user feel like they were in a strange place. Few employees had the time, interest, or courage to use the intranet, so it was useless and the powerful tools were not used.
This is the problem with software that comes out of the box. Unlike web-based intranets, they force users into a limited environment that requires extensive training and is built around rules that are meant for the group, not the individual.
- Software intranets can cost a lot of time, money, and attention.
Software-based solutions need a lot of help from the inside. Your IT team can't focus on mission-critical tasks because they have to spend money and staff time on this.
System integration, implementation, maintenance, technology upgrades, training, and user support are all ongoing tasks that require a big investment on a regular basis. The cost can be high, far more than the cost of the licence and the monthly fee.
- Web-based intranets offer cutting-edge technology and costs that are easy to plan for.
Most web-based solutions have a fixed monthly fee that covers all maintenance, technology upgrades, training, and user support. The costs are predictable, the technology is always getting better, and your IT staff doesn't have to do much.
Because of these things, companies that need a lot of people to work together in an environment that is always changing are choosing web-based intranets over traditional software solutions.