People buy life and health insurance because they are worried about the future. This is by far the most important reason. An older man who got married late would need to make sure that his young children will have enough money to live on when he dies. A man who works overseas all the time and is in constant danger from natural predators or security risks wants to make sure that his wife will have enough money to live on after he dies.
If you are in a different country, you might need to have health insurance. If her kids get sick, a mother needs health insurance for them. We pay our monthly premiums not because we think of them as part of our costs, but because we know they will go a long way toward taking care of our family members.
I can give you a number of reasons why you need health insurance. The first is that it protects me in case of a medical emergency. This makes me feel like I can keep going because I know my medical bills won't stop me. I also feel safer knowing that my health insurance will pay for any service I need, no matter how expensive it is. Also, because my policy covers all the services I usually use, I save a lot of money.
Another great thing about health insurance is that it covers your whole family, unless something else is said. So, you won't have to worry about scraping together money to pay for your spouse or children's hospital bills. I am getting a good deal because I have a lot of kids and only pay average premiums. I don't think that these payments are a big deal for me. I work hard because I know that my family and I will be okay in the future.
We all have to face the fact that we are all going to die. But life insurance will ease your worries about what will happen to your spouse, children, and other people who depend on you after you die. Buying life insurance doesn't have to be a burden, especially if you think about how the benefits will help your family deal with your death.
Then, if you die, your family won't have to worry about how to pay off the debts you've racked up. They'll have enough money to pay off your home loan. Even if you need a lot of medical care that costs a lot, your insurance plan should help you pay for it. Your insurance will pay for your burial, so your body won't have to be dumped in the ocean.
If you have kids who are going to college, the money from your death benefits could pay for their whole education. You need insurance, especially if you are the main person who brings in money for your family. If you have insurance, your family won't have to worry about money after you die.
When you think about it, the benefits of having health and life insurance far outweigh the monthly premiums you have to pay. So you would be doing yourself a big favour by getting a good life insurance policy.