For you to decide if debt consolidation is the best way out of your financial problems, you will need to know more about it. There are a lot of places to find information about debt relief consolidation. The quality of the sources varies, though. You don't have to pay for information about debt consolidation because some of the best information you can find is often better than the sources that cost money. Start with the free sources.
You might be surprised to find out that a friend or family member has been through the same thing. Because of this, they will probably know a lot about the process and be able to recommend companies or help you decide if it's the best way to go. It might be embarrassing to tell people about your situation, but the help you get could be worth the embarrassment. Just remember that you are not alone and that many people are in the same situation as you. If nothing else, they might be able to help you find good places to get information or companies you can trust.
The Internet is another place where you can find information. Due to how common debt consolidation is now, there is a lot of information online about a wide range of topics. Compare the information on different websites. There are free sources of information about debt consolidation online, and they might give you enough to make a decision. If you don't, you might end up paying too much to get information from the debt consolidation professionals when you could get the same information on your own for free.
Testimonials from a company's current or past clients are a good way to figure out how reliable it is. If you can, talk to these clients yourself to make sure they are real testimonials and not just a way to sell something. You can find e-books online that you can download. This is a good way to get a complete overview of debt consolidation in one place, so you don't have to look in a lot of different places. It might be cheaper to spend a few dollars on one of these e-books than to pay a professional for advice. Gathering information before you talk to a professional can also help you think of important questions to ask the professional before you hire them and give them your debt situation.
You may not realise how important it is to do thorough research, but the time you spend doing it is time well spent. It could save you money that you could have used to pay off your debts. It's something to think about.