Greetings! I've been preaching my wealth-building ideas from the "pulpit" of the Internet for many years now, and I consider it a great honour that I've been able to help so many of you get started on this exciting path to wealth, freedom, and abundance.
Please accept this one fact, which I am completely and totally sure of: anyone in the western world can easily become a millionaire by following my wealth creation principles. So, if you aren't "making it" right now, which means that what you've been doing hasn't brought you money, why don't you follow my teachings until my "knowing" becomes your "knowing"? Remember that a guru or teacher is only a way to get to what you already know. Once you've crossed the bridge and reached your destination, the bridge becomes a thing of the past.
Those of you who have read my other articles or my book know that I won't tell you to borrow money, use money you already have, gamble, invest, or even "make money." I teach the direct path to making money. In other words, a millionaire is someone whose net assets, if sold in a normal situation, would bring more than a million dollars.
So, if you want to become a millionaire quickly, we ask the simple question, "What is a quick, easy, and sure way to increase your net assets by $1,000,000.00?" Now, most of you have jobs and families to take care of, so to avoid getting burned out, you will need to make this million dollars in assets not only part time, but also in a way that is fun and relaxing.
In the late 1950s, when I was ten years old, I lived in a city in Australia that was mostly made up of English people who had moved there. Almost every family was having a hard time, and times were tough. When my father found out that I had spent my money on a few comic books, he was very angry with me. ("The Phantom" was my favourite.)
During my summer break from school, I put about a dozen comic books in an old wooden go-cart and went door-to-door offering to trade them three for two. Within a few blocks, the weight was too much for my old go-cart, so I also started offering to sell my treasures for about a third of the retail price. After a few hours, I didn't have to go door to door anymore because all the kids and often their parents came to me in the street. Now, my stack of bills and coins was growing as fast as my stack of comic books. That first day, I learned a lot.
I was better ready the next morning. I asked two other students to help me. We took turns pushing a big old Victorian pram, which we had covered with a blanket to hold all the comics. We put cheap signs on the side of the stroller and got an old purse with no straps for the money. We, of course, made a lot of money. The bush telegraph system worked, and everywhere we went, customers were waiting for us. At today's prices, I was probably making several hundred dollars a day, which was a lot of money for a 10-year-old. However, I never told my father that the comic books I was making were now making more money than he was.
Guess who used the same ideas when the marble craze hit our school? (But "my headmaster gave permission for a school casino where marbles were used as chips" is a different story.)
I later called this way of making money the "arbitrage-compound system of making money," and I still use it. Even at a 50% markup, as in the above example, assets can grow to huge amounts if they are not stopped. That's why casinos love gamblers who use the "double up system" in all its many forms. Like the casino barons, the person who makes "wealth" uses these ideas to his or her own advantage.
Now, you can start your wealth programme with any commodity. However, if you are passionate and/or know more than the average person about a certain subject, like a 10-year-old boy with his comic books, then trust me when I say that you already have the ability to fast track your millionaire status.
In my book and other articles, I talk about many real-life cases of people just like you who used their hobby to make money on the side.
One recent example: Paul, one of my first readers, told me that "sea shells" were his passion and hobby. Obviously, he seemed to know a lot more about the subject than I did. He said that collectors talk to each other over the Internet and in magazines and swap, buy, and sell thousands of different kinds of shells.
Many bring a $1,000.00 plus! Just like I had never thought about investing in seashells, Paul had never thought that his hobby and passion could make him a lot of money until he read my books. Paul came to see me a few weeks ago and was very excited to tell me that the day before, he had bought 5 small shells of the same species from a second-hand store for only $100. The dealer was as happy as a Cheshire cat when he sold some schmuck 5 worthless shells for $100.
Paul had an easy way to sell those rarer shells for $1,000 each. Please see what's different now. With his $100, the dealer has to cover his costs. Paul will use the $5,000 to buy shells worth up to $15,000.00. In one round of buy-sell-buy, Paul's wealth will grow by an extra $14,900. The dealer's $100 got lost in the mess of overheads.
Another example: A friend of mine started collecting dinky toy cars when he was a child. His "Wealth Total" collection is also worth well over a million dollars now. See what I mean?
Other readers have used hobbies like collecting paintings, jewellery, coins, stamps, gold nuggets, old electric guitars, old bikes, china, postcards, teddy bears, model railroads, signatures, sports memorabilia, autographs, and old share certificates to start their wealth programmes and get rich. Almost any hobby can be used to get your wealth programme off the ground.
You already know a lot about your hobby and are passionate about it. When you add a wealth programme to this, your future becomes excitingly certain.
In this series of articles and in my book, I've given you an easy, well-tested, and almost fail-safe way to make a million dollars. But all I can do is plant the seeds. You have to be the one to water and care for the plant.
And don't forget that it all starts with a choice!