Many investors will tell you that buying and selling stocks is an old-fashioned way to invest, but that it still works. Even though stocks are like a rollercoaster with many ups and downs, they are still a fun game that anyone can play. In the age of the information superhighway, there are a lot of different stocks you can use to make money. You might only make enough money to put toward your next investment, but with online stocks, the door is really open.
Online stocks are a huge market. You can start online with cheaper stocks like penny stocks, or you can buy high-end stocks for a couple hundred dollars a share. Like most online shopping, most of the stocks you can buy online are also available in the real world market, but they cost more there. Because you don't have to talk to or get advice from a person, buying stocks online lets you get into the game without having to pay the high fees that a broker would charge. The online trader has full control over his or her stocks as well.
You will need to know how to use certain terms if you want to trade online. To do this, we've put together a list of some of the most common online stocks and what they mean. We think you should use these ways to find out more. Let's look at what kinds of stocks you can buy and sell on the stock market, both online and in person.
Penny Stocks: Not all "penny stocks" cost a penny, but they are the least expensive stocks on the market. Some people think of them as "cheap and dirty." Others, on the other hand, have made a lot of money by trading in penny stocks. This is because once the price goes up, you can sell all the stocks you bought and get your money back. Penny stocks are usually offered by new or small companies that want to get off the ground and want to sell their stocks for less money. Penny stocks are a common type of stock that people trade online.
Blue Chips: Blue chips, as the name suggests, are high-quality stocks. The stocks of well-known companies are called "blue chips." So, if you look at the steel your fence is made of or the airline you fly with, you will probably find that their shares are blue chips. Because it is "guaranteed" that blue chips will keep growing, they usually cost a lot and are some of the most expensive stocks. Blue chips are known to be strong stocks whose prices either stay the same or slowly go up over time. Blue chips also tend to go up quickly after a drop or at least get back to where they were quickly.
Bonds and Futures: Municipal bonds and corporate bonds are both types of bonds. Futures, on the other hand, usually have to do with farming crops, so if oranges do well as a crop, orange futures will do well as well. There are also futures for wheat, animals, and other farm products.
You can buy almost any kind of stock online if you look hard enough. All you need is someone willing to sell them. Whether or not it's available will depend on the website you're using and what it can offer.
Even though you can now buy and sell stocks online, that doesn't mean you shouldn't be careful and do your research like you would with any other type of stock trading.