When you can't stop getting mail about new credit card offers, it is very annoying. If you just got your first credit card and pay it on time, you'll probably get credit card offers often.
You should know that four of the biggest credit bureaus can sell your information to credit card companies. This is why you always get this credit card offer in your mailbox with your name on it.
In the first month, you may get one or two credit card offers, which you can easily ignore. But after a few months, you'll notice that almost two-thirds of your mail will be credit card offers, which can be very annoying.
You may be offered low balance transfer rates, low interest rates, or even a credit card with no annual fee. You might find the offers very appealing, but you probably aren't interested in them. If you are, it would be better to go to the bank or issuer and ask for what they are offering than to get mail from an unknown sender that you aren't even interested in.
But there is a way to get rid of all the credit card offers you keep getting in the mail. To do this, all you have to do is read the small print on every credit card offer that has been sent to you. You will find a paragraph that tells you how to stop the credit bureaus from adding you to their list.
Follow the steps in the paragraph and let the four major credit bureaus know that you don't want to receive the offers.
You can also write to the four major credit bureaus and tell them you don't want to be on their pre-screened lists. Include your name, phone number, Social Security number, Zip code, and mailing address. If you've moved in the last six months, you should also tell them where you used to live.
Follow the steps above to get rid of those annoying credit card offer letters. If you write to the four major credit bureaus about your request, you can easily get rid of these offers and live your life in peace.
Also, keep in mind that some of these offers could be fake. If you respond to the offer, it's easy for someone to steal your identity. If you're interested, make sure the offer is real and that there really is a company that gives out these credit cards.
Here are some things to keep in mind if you want to stop getting credit card offers. If you do some of the things that were suggested, you won't get the junk mail that you have always gotten. Don't waste time every month throwing away those credit card offers.
If you want to stop getting credit card offers, just follow the simple instructions in the letter. You'll see that the steps are written in small letters. It will usually say how you can take your name off the list of people who have been pre-approved. If you do this, you can stop getting so many credit card offers in the mail.