If you've ever looked at your credit card bill and found a charge that you didn't make, keep reading. It's not as hard to dispute a credit card charge as you might think, and it doesn't have to take all day either.
So, if your credit card was stolen or you were charged without your permission, get a pen and paper and write down what happened. With these easy-to-follow steps, disputing a credit card charge will be a piece of cake.
Step 1: If someone else in your family also has access to the credit card, tell them about the purchases and ask if they were responsible. A lot of the time, purchases made by other family members are thought to be fraud.
Step 2: Write down any charges on your bill that you don't know what they are for. Just get a yellow highlighter and circle each transaction that you don't understand.
Step 3: Call the company that issued your credit card. At first, you'll talk to a general customer service representative who will go over the basics with you, cancel your current credit card, and start the process of sending you a new one. After you're done there, you'll be sent to the fraud department, where you'll spend a few minutes answering questions about the charges. When your report is finished, they'll send you a form that you'll need to sign to say that you didn't make the purchases in question. Most credit card companies give you 30 days to send this form back.
The whole thing should take you between 1 and 2 hours. As you can see, disputing a credit card charge is not as hard as many people think, and you don't even have to "fight" your credit card company to avoid paying for the unauthorised charges.