Today, auto insurance in Colorado is one of the most expensive in the country, and many drivers are finding it harder and harder to pay their monthly premiums.
If you're like most people who buy car insurance in Colorado, you can't pay a penny more than you have to for your insurance, and you can't drive without insurance unless you want to risk losing your car and your driver's licence for a very long time.
There is a chance that one of the auto insurance reforms currently being discussed in the Colorado legislature will have a positive effect on auto insurance premiums in the state. In the meantime, here are some practical ways to lower your auto insurance costs or at least keep them at the same level.
First, you should do your own work.
Check with your other insurance companies first. If you buy your car insurance through the same company as your home insurance, you may get a nice discount.
Second, when it's time to renew your car insurance, look it over carefully instead of just paying it without thinking. Contact your agent. Ask questions.
Talk about your deductible first. Your monthly premium will be less if your deductible is higher. This is a trade-off, but if you find the right balance, you can save a lot on your premiums.
If you own more than one car, your insurance company should give you what they call a "multi-policy discount." If you are eligible for a discount like this, make sure you get it.
Your age or the ages of other people on your policy can change how much you pay each month. In general, drivers who are very young or very old pay higher insurance rates than other drivers.
Even though you can't change how old the drivers on your policy are, both young and old drivers can do things to help keep costs down. Young drivers who have had driver's education and get good grades, as well as older drivers who take refresher courses in driver's education, often pay less for their insurance.
Every Colorado driver has to have auto insurance, but every Colorado driver has the right to find ways to keep insurance costs low.