People usually have more than one credit card in their wallets these days, since credit cards are so common. People often ask if that's necessary and if it's even a good idea.
A person may have more than one credit card for a number of reasons. One of the most common reasons to have more than one card is so that you can keep your personal charges separate from your business charges. It's often easier to just send one bill with all business charges on it for reimbursement than to sit down and circle the ones that need to be paid back. Also, there is the question of privacy. Do you want your boss to know what you do or how you spend your free time?
Another common reason to have more than one card is to keep your everyday cards separate from your travel cards. This is usually done to keep track of holiday spending and make sure budgets aren't blown. This is also a way to make sure that at least one credit card stays at home. If your wallet gets lost or stolen, you won't have to replace at least one card.
When Experian's most recent nationwide survey of credit card users was looked at, it was found that as many as 10% of all credit card users carry more than 10 different credit cards in their wallet and that more than half of all credit card users hold at least two different credit cards. This includes, of course, regular credit cards, gas cards, and credit cards from department stores. The same survey showed that, on average, each person has four credit cards.
The best way to use credit cards safely is to not spend more than you can afford. As long as the total amount of credit you can get doesn't go over what you can pay back, it doesn't matter how many credit cards you have. If the total amount of credit you can get is more than you can afford, there could be trouble.