A golf fitness programme can make the difference between reaching your full golfing potential and continuing to play the same frustrating game you've been playing for years.
It's no secret that the body swings the club and plays the game. If you want to play your best, why wouldn't you try a golf fitness programme?
A golf fitness programme includes strength training, flexibility training, endurance training, and even nutrition. But the most important thing is to make your golf fitness programme as golf-specific as possible.
How does that work?
First off...just take a look at the position your body is in during the golf swing. It's "on your feet" and in golf position (bent at the waste, knees flexed, upper back fairly straight, ankles flexed, etc...).
Can you now see how any "physical limitation" you have will make it very hard for you to make a good golf swing that you can repeat?
So, starting a golf fitness programme is definitely the answer. It's not as intimidating as you may think. It doesn't take going to a gym. It doesn't involve lifting heavy weights and really killing yourself. It doesn't involve 2 hours every day of the week either.
A golf fitness programme can be as simple as using a pair of hand weights (dumbbells), an exercise ball and exercise tubing. All of them are very cheap, easy to move, and great for your home or office.
You can do downswings every day of the week if you put your exercise tubing on a door and swing it down. This is a great office exercise that will have a direct effect on how much power you produce through impact.
It will take a little more creativity to come up with a "complete golf fitness programme." I would strongly suggest hiring a qualified golf fitness trainer to put together a complete golf fitness programme that takes into account your specific physical limitations.
You don't want to waste your time on exercises and stretches you don't need to do. You should focus on a balanced golf fitness programme that will help you get better at the things you're not good at.
You won't believe how fast your game will change. I've worked with golfers whose games got better in just a few days. Literally! Their fitness had dropped so much that they couldn't even get the ball in the air off the tee, but within a few days, they were hitting it dozens of yards further.
What a pleasure it is to hear stories like that.