In the United States, it's part of the culture that women should love the idea of carrying a handbag for the rest of their lives. Not all women are crazy about handbags. Some women refuse to go at all, putting everything in their many pockets and being perfectly happy to leave a lot more at home than other women. This makes perfect sense. Some people are surprised when their girlfriend says no, but men are often glad to save the money they would have spent on a handbag.
But sometimes a woman who really can't stand the idea of carrying a purse has to start carrying a handbag just because she has to. No matter how hard they try, they can no longer fit their lives into their pockets. This could be because of work, health, or other things. So, it's time to go out and buy a handbag for the woman who doesn't like handbags.
First, you should try to figure out why the handbag is such a bad idea. Most women, and even some men, think of a handbag as a symbol of the traditional roles and responsibilities of a woman. A handbag is a sign to many women that they are supposed to carry the most stuff. This is something that turns off a lot of women. Who wants to be the one who has to carry everything? Emotionally, women who feel like they have to carry most of the crap are less likely to want to carry handbags than women who don't feel like they have to carry most of the crap. There are, of course, other reasons.
Some women just don't agree with what society says makes a woman feminine. Even if a woman doesn't look like Angelina Jolie, she can still be girly while carrying a hammer and a stun gun. Femininity is more about how you feel than how well you can put together accessories. But in most of our society, carrying a handbag is near the top of the list of things women will do that men won't. This can be annoying for women who need to start carrying more things than their pockets can hold.
Just because you have to go into the world of handbags doesn't mean you have to leave with a cute little shoulder bag that's just big enough for your keys and wallet. In the last twenty years, the world of handbags has grown, giving women more options that fit their personality and style much better than small bags with straps and sparkles on the side.
For women who hate handbags but need one, saddle bags are the best choice. Saddle bags are a creative mix of the traditional purse and the traditional leather backpack. They are usually quite large. These handbags can be worn over the shoulder and have the feel of a backpack. They have a style that is a mix of the two. For a lot of women, even those who love handbags, this style is not only perfect because it has more room but also because it stays on the shoulder and can be thrown like a backpack. This makes it feel less intrusive to women who don't like handbags.
If you want to buy a handbag for a woman who doesn't like them, avoid ones that look too traditional, too girly, or too glitzy or glamorous. Peace and willingness are more likely to come from something useful, comfortable, and that fits well with the style they have already chosen. A handbag shouldn't be a scary thing to think about.
Don't make a woman take a handbag against her will. You'll feel bad about spending the money, and she'll feel bad that you're trying to change her. Let her decide for herself what she wants to try and how she wants to make the change.
Having a handbag is sometimes just a matter of habit as much as anything else. Some women don't have bad feelings, they just never got in the habit of taking a handbag with them when they left the house. This makes sense, and anyone who wants to or needs to can get into the habit by leaving their bag where their keys are. You won't leave the house without your keys, so you won't leave the house without anything you told your keys to keep an eye on.