Before you start looking for health insurance for infertility, you need to figure out what kind of coverage you need. You may want to look into diagnostic infertility health insurance if you know you're having trouble getting pregnant but don't know why. Diagnostic infertility health insurance pays for medical services that doctors give to help figure out why you can't have children.
But if you already know what's causing your infertility, look into health insurance for infertility treatment. Infertility treatment covered by health insurance includes special medications, assisted reproductive technologies, intrauterine insemination, and other surgeries and procedures.
Talk to your doctor about what kind of infertility health insurance you need. Even though your regular doctor probably isn't a specialist in this area of medicine, he or she may still be able to tell you what kind of infertility health insurance you need.
Contact your health insurance company once you know what kind of infertility health insurance and procedures you want. Find out if your plan covers health care and treatments for infertility. If it does, ask the insurance representative to send you written proof of this coverage. This way, if you get treatment for infertility and then find out you're not covered, you won't be confused about what happened. If your current health insurance plan doesn't cover care and treatment for infertility, find out if you can buy it from the company or add it to your current plan.
Contact your state's insurance department if you're not sure how much infertility health insurance coverage you have or if you can't seem to find any. The amount of coverage for infertility varies from state to state, as do the rules about who has to provide it and who doesn't, as well as the steps that must be taken to get and use it.