You could spend hours searching the Internet yourself to find the cheapest online insurance quotes. But by far the easiest way is to work with a broker, who will be able to get you the most comprehensive contents policy while saving you money on the premium.
The total value of your home's contents is the first thing you need to think about when deciding how much insurance you need. If the worst happened and all of your belongings were destroyed, this is how much you would lose. It can be surprising how much the value of your belongings adds up to, and unfortunately, many people find that they have undervalued their things and aren't insured enough because of it. On the other hand, if you just guess, you might overestimate the cost and end up paying more for your insurance premium than you need to.
When making an inventory of your belongings, don't forget to include things like CDs, DVDs, and any other collections you may have, as well as the things in your closet. Along with the big things, all the little things can add up. If you have valuable things, you might need to buy extra insurance to make sure they are covered. Any very expensive items of jewellery or art for example might not be covered in a standard policy so it is always worth pointing out if you have such items in your home.
A broker will be able to get you the cheapest contents insurance quotes that are most suitable for the type of cover that you need and this includes any extras that you might have to take out to cover expensive and usual items in the home.