If you want the cheapest house insurance, you need to go to a broker and let them do the shopping for you. There are a lot of online insurers, and it can take a lot of time and effort to find the cheapest one. Even then, you might not get the cheapest quote for insurance.
Contents insurance and building insurance are both parts of home insurance. You can choose to buy the coverage separately, but in most cases, it's cheaper to buy it all at once. This will give you the protection you need if you ever have to make a claim. Even though contents insurance can't bring back the things you've collected and loved over the years, it would let you replace them if you lost everything.
When you stop and look around your home, you might be surprised at how much it all costs. The best way to get a good idea of how much it would cost to replace all your things is to go through each room and add them all up. When deciding how much coverage you need, don't forget to think about the things in your closet, any video or DVD collections, etc.
You should never assume that a home contents insurance policy will cover everything. For example, if you have expensive jewellery or artwork in your home, you may need to get separate insurance for these things.
Let a specialist do the hard work for you to find the cheapest house insurance quotes. They have the experience and know where to start looking for your policy. They only need a few details and a good idea of how much coverage you need. Then, all you have to do is sit back and wait for them to find the best deal for your situation.