Credit score? Are you sure?
When you apply for a loan, a place to live, or even a job, your credit report is the most important thing you have. It's easier than you might think to get a free copy of your credit report. To do any of these things, you need to know what information is in your credit report. At least once a year, you should look over your credit history to fix mistakes, add new information, and find out what your score is. Getting your free credit report is, of course, the best way to do this.
Getting a credit report through the usual channels can cost a lot of money, but it doesn't have to. You can get up to two free credit reports per year from each of the three major credit reporting agencies. All you have to do is ask. You can call or go online to talk to any of these groups. Not only is your credit report free, but the call to get it is also free. Equifax's number is (800) 378-2732, Experian's is (888) 397-3742, and Trans Union's is (800) 888-4213. If you'd rather, you can send a written request for a credit report to each credit reporting agency.
You should ask for a report from each of the three companies that keep track of your credit. Reports that have information from all three usually aren't given away for free. The free report does not always include your credit score, either. You can get both, though, if you sign up for a credit service. You get free credit reports for the first three months if you sign up for this, but you have to pay for the rest. Credit services don't like to tell you that you are entitled to free credit reports, but you are.
When you ask for your free credit report, you should make sure you have all the information you need. If you don't have these things, you won't be able to get your report. You will be asked for your full name, address, and social security number.
Make sure the website is safe before you ask for your credit report online. Online, it only takes a few minutes to get a copy of your credit report. When you order your report by phone, be sure to say that you want the free report. It takes one to four weeks to get a free report. But if you send your request by mail, it could take up to six weeks or more to get the report.
Don't wait any longer to check your credit score. Get a free copy of your credit report today!