If you want the cheapest car insurance rate, your best bet is to go to a standalone specialist. The specialist website will be able to find you the cheapest car insurance rate for the premiums and give you a lot of advice so you can learn about the benefits of the different types of insurance so you can find the best one for your needs.
There are three main types of car insurance: fully comprehensive, third party fire and theft, and third party only. The type of insurance you need will depend on things like how old your car is and how much it costs.
Fully comprehensive insurance is the most expensive way to insure your car, but it gives you the most coverage. If you have a new car, you might not have any other choice but to get fully comp. It would pay to fix your car and the other person's car if you were in an accident that was your fault. It would also protect your car from being stolen or damaged by fire.
Third-party fire and theft pays out if your car is stolen or damaged by fire. It also pays out if you cause an accident and damage the other person's car.
If you cause an accident, third party only insurance will only pay for damage to the other person's car. It is the cheapest type of insurance, but it won't pay to fix your car.
Car insurance rates vary from company to company, so it's important to get more than one quote, no matter what kind of insurance you want. By shopping around and comparing car insurance rates, you can find the best deal on the type of insurance you want or need. The fastest way to do this is to let a specialised website compare quotes for you.