One of the most important things a student who wants a credit card should do is make a financial assessment of his or her current situation. The student should also do research on the Internet and in books, look at which one has more negative reviews than positive ones, and ask questions of everyone who will be involved in the credit card application. Before the actual request, it is very important that the student knows everything that will happen.
It's no fun at all to try to get a card and get turned down a few times. Because you are still in college and don't make a lot of money, college credit cards were made to help people like you. But don't worry. The important thing is to build a good credit card history. Since you're starting, all you have to do is wait a little while. Remember patience is a virtue.
Here are some important things to remember:
- Remember one thing now that you have your own place. PUT MONEY IN THE MAIL ON TIME. That is a big plus for your chances of being a good credit card owner. Companies will notice, and you might be surprised at how many of them want you as a customer. They'll be drawn to you like bees are drawn to honey.
Credit cards can make us think we have more money than we really do. Don't use the card when it's not necessary.
- This card will help you get an A+ on your credit report.
- Make a small plan for your own money. Plan how much money you will spend and how you will pay for it.
- Take an honest look at yourself and figure out how much you can really spend.
- Do not over spend. You won't help your credit score at all.
- Use your card often; don't let it look like you haven't used it.
- Watch out for fees. Especially if you couldn't pay on time and had to pay late fees.
Some credit card companies don't charge annual fees for student cards. Don't forget to get that.
Can help pay for college costs.
- If you move, tell your credit card company right away so that your bills can still get to you on time.
Interest rates that are low
- Not only is this credit card useful, but it also comes with a lot of perks. (Such as tickets to MTV shows.)
Not everything good is meant for you. When it comes to something as important as your record, you should act in a responsible way. If you tend to spend a lot or are known for buying things on the spot, you might want to think twice about this. This will just make you want to spend more. Making up money is never a good idea.
If you have bad credit, it will show up on your credit record, which will make you worry even more. You'll have trouble with debt, and you won't be able to get home loans, payday loans, or car loans.
Above all else, read the Fair Billing Act for Consumers to find out what your rights are.
- You won't be held legally responsible for what happened if someone stole your card and used it. Just remember to report this lost card right away.
- If you ordered a good or service but didn't get it, any charges for it will be taken off your bill.
- If someone used your account without your permission, you can also tell your account to cancel this.
- If your bill is wrong in any way,
No matter how old you are, you shouldn't act like a child. Be responsible and grown up, and know what will bring you down and what will help you up. Your credit history will stay with you for a long time. You shouldn't make it look bad. If you didn't have any luck, you did your best to get it taken off your name.
Having a good credit history will help you get loans for your home, car, and payday loans. You will have more chances to get these loans when you need them if you start with your student card and keep it clean. That's cool, right? With a clean record, it will be easier to get loans in the future. Cool.