Most likely, you can't get an unsecured credit card because you have bad credit. These cards are for people who don't have any problems with their credit, so the credit card companies know they can be trusted. Don't beat yourself up about this, though. The past is the past, and you will soon be able to get a card like this.
Before you even think about applying for more credit cards, you might want to start paying off the ones you already have. The stress that this debt relief can help you get rid of will not only help your credit score, but it will also help your health.
When you're done managing your debt, you should look for a credit card with the lowest interest rate you can find. This is good for a lot of reasons, like saving money on your monthly interest charges, but it's especially important if you need to borrow a couple hundred dollars. It would be hard to find a loan with an interest rate as low as the one you can get with a lower rate card.
Along with a low interest rate, some of the rewards and benefits you can get can be very appealing to most consumers. You should think about what you want from a card and then look around. In fact, the Internet is a great place to do this kind of shopping.
The Chase Platinum Card is a great card because it has an introductory APR of 0% for the first six months and no annual fees after that. The Chase Travel card goes a step further by giving cardholders points that can be used for flights, cruises, car rentals, and hotel stays.
As long as we're talking about renting cars, the Chase Travel card will also give you $500,000 in Worldwide Auto Travel Accident Insurance from HertzCar Rental Discounts.
The Discover Platinum Card is another great card that you will enjoy. This card has no annual fees and an introductory APR of 0%. It will also give you up to 2% Cash Back in Bonus awards. Some can even give you up to 5% cash back as a bonus.