The best way for loan officers and mortgage brokers to get exclusive mortgage leads these days is through the internet.
If you buy exclusive internet mortgage leads on the internet, you'll get them online and in real time, which is also called "fresh."
This means that you will get your leads as soon as they come out. And because they aren't available to anyone else, you'll be getting rid of your competition.
But before you hire a mortgage lead company, make sure you've done your research.
You want to be sure you're getting your money's worth, so check out your potential prospect's website carefully and then call the lead company and talk to a customer service representative.
If they don't give you a phone number, go to the next lead company. Think about it this way: who are you going to call if you want to get your money back for a lead you're not sure about?
Ask the customer service representative where they get their leads.
What you will want to hear is this.
You'll want to know that they get their leads from websites that they own and run themselves. This pretty much guarantees that you'll get the real-time quality you want.
What you don't want to hear is this.
If they say that they get their leads from other companies, they are recycling leads. Or selling what is called "junk" in the business world.
Don't forget that you worked hard for your money, so take the time to make sure you'll get what you paid for.