Everyone wants to save more money. You'll need to do a few things if you want to make more money. Think about this: most people are afraid to take risks in life, which is fine. But if you never take a chance, you'll never win. Life is about taking chances. Take dating as an example: if you don't go up to that person and talk to them, they'll probably just pass you by. Now, if you take a chance and talk to them, they might not want to go out with you, but at least you still have a chance. The same is true in business. If you want to succeed, you have to take chances.
Don't think that one day there will be more money in the bank when you wake up. And if you did, what would you do when you ran out of money? To make money, you need to learn how to do it. You have to see the good when everyone else only sees the bad. Most people are scared of things they don't know much about or don't understand. That's why they're so negative about anything new you might try. People are easy to put down and criticise. If you learn to have a thick skin, these kinds of people shouldn't bother you. Don't let your fears or the fears of others stop you from succeeding.
You have to want something for yourself if you want to do well at it. People will help you, but no one will give you a golden ticket. Everyone wants to have more money in the bank, but the real question is how badly you want it and what you're willing to risk to get it.