When it comes to credit cards, there are a lot more risks than just getting into debt you can't pay back or racking up costs you didn't know about before signing the contract. With credit cards, there are risks that have nothing to do with the person using it, and these risks can be reduced by being smart and careful. But what can you do with your credit card to make sure you are much less likely to be a statistic and much more likely to be a happy credit card user with no problems and less worries?
Take care of your credit card so that you always know where it is and don't leave it alone.
Have multiple cards? If you have more than one card, sometimes the company that gave you the cards will let you register them all at once. This way, you can cancel all of your cards with just one phone call. By giving a thief less time, this will make fraud less likely.
Have you lost your wallet or purse? If you've lost your wallet or purse, you have no time to waste. Even if you're not sure if your credit card was stolen or you just lost it, you should call your credit card company right away.
Keep track of all your credit card purchases, and you'll know if you've been a victim of credit card theft or not. Make sure to report any transactions that seem strange, and remember that unless you give them permission, no one can take money from your credit card, even if you're late on your payments.
Try to remember your PIN number to keep it secret. Some sneaky ways to write this down are to list it with other phone numbers or put it at the end of a string of standard digits. For example: Mr. Example +56 786 78656556.
How do credit card companies keep you safe?
- They will cover you if you lose, use, or steal it.
Your purchase is covered for up to 100 days.
- If you don't like what you buy, they will give you your money back.
No one wants to be a victim of credit card fraud, theft, or an accident. However, these risks can be greatly reduced with careful planning and thought, making you less likely to get into trouble than those who are less careful and more careless. So far, the credit card industry has been smart enough to pay for the costs of credit card theft and fraud on behalf of their customers. As long as this keeps happening, customers can feel safer knowing they are less likely to lose money because of it.