Credit cards are great to have on hand in case of unexpected, but necessary, costs, like car repairs, medical bills, home repairs, tax bills, and so much more. Having a credit card in your wallet can be a lifesaver when an expense comes up out of nowhere, especially if you don't have time to save money in a savings account.
What the credit card companies don't want you to know -
Credit card companies know that you won't just use your credit line for sudden costs. Almost everyone uses their credit cards for things they don't need to, and some just do it because they always have. Even my cheap mother has a credit card, which she uses to keep her credit score high and her credit report looking good. She also uses it to buy things like a big flat-screen TV, clothes, and other things. We really like the idea of being able to buy something and pay for it over time. This is what credit card companies want you to do. Have you ever wondered why they send you special sale items to buy along with your bill?
Credit card companies want you to do the following three things:
- Push yourself too far (so they can charge more fees)
- Get into debt (so they can charge outrageous fees)
- Pay late (so they can charge late fees)
Credit card companies only want money from you. Almost everyone has been in debt at some point and had to work hard to get out. No longer does it have to be so hard. You can combine your bills into one easy payment each month and pay less than you do now. Yes, it really is that easy! You might be getting turned down by credit companies right now, but you can get a personal consolidation loan to help you get out of debt and free yourself from credit card debts. By taking out a loan to pay off your bills, you can have money left over every month that you can save or spend. If you combine your bills, you won't have to worry about late fees, debt collectors, and other things. All of it will be paid off when you consolidate your loans, and you'll only have to make one monthly payment. It's so simple and easy, and you'll feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders. Stop giving credit card companies the upper hand and combine your bills.