If you go to a college or university, you've probably seen credit card companies on campus giving away free stuff like t-shirts, mugs, and other things. Most college students love free stuff and will sign up for almost anything to get a free item they won't use. This is why these schemes are so popular.
Most students don't know that when they sign up for a credit card, it will be their first one. Before you sign up for your first credit card, you should find out what you're getting into. Even though you don't have to pay anything to get a credit card, if you don't use it right, it can cause you a lot of trouble down the road.
Like any other purchase you make, it's always a good idea to compare prices. With credit cards, it shouldn't make a difference. Every credit card is different, from the interest rate to the number of reward points it gives. Before you sign your name on the dotted line for a T-shirt that's too big, you should really look into this.
Now, we're not saying that the companies putting up these kiosks at your school are bad. In fact, they're usually from big companies like VISA and MasterCard. All of these companies are real and have great credit cards. The point we are trying to make is that they might try to give you a card that you might not want.
There are many different kinds of credit cards for students. They have something for everyone, from gas rewards to cash rewards. It doesn't make sense to apply for a credit card that has no rewards at all these days. Only if you apply for a credit card for people with bad credit will you find that it doesn't have any perks.
Most of the time, the best way to find a credit card for you is to look online or ask around. If your friends already have a credit card, ask them a few questions about it and what it can do for them. You won't get all the information you need, but you'll get a good idea. Aside from asking around, the best way is to look around on the internet. Many websites, like VISA's, have very detailed pages that tell you exactly what the card can do and what benefits you'll get when you get it in the mail.
Don't be afraid to stop by the next time you see a tent at your school. In fact, you might want to stop by and talk to the people behind the booth. If you don't like what they say, just leave. It won't hurt anyone or anything. If you really want that free thing, there are many other ways to get it. Your first credit card should be made for you. You shouldn't let a free item sway you to get a credit card that might not be good for you.