Most of the time, getting into debt is a slow process that takes a long time. You may wake up one day and realise that you can't make all of your payments every month, let alone pay off your debts. This can be a very scary feeling, and you shouldn't ignore it, because doing so will only make it worse.
If you are having trouble meeting your monthly obligations, the best thing you can do is to do something about it. If you don't, you might not have many choices. Your top priority should be to combine and pay off your debts.
If you just spend one dollar after you've taken care of your debt, you'll use much less energy than you do worrying about it, even when you don't realise you're doing it. Worry and stress can eat away at your mind and make it hard to sleep.
You can get the relief you need to live your life to the fullest if you consolidate and get rid of your debt. Take the time you need to deal with the debts you've racked up. You will be glad you did.
When you consolidate your debt, you combine all of your unsecured debts into one easy monthly payment. You can often negotiate with your creditors or have a debt management company negotiate on your behalf to get your monthly payments lowered to a more manageable amount. Sometimes you can even get your interest rates lowered or even eliminated.
When you consolidate your debts, you will only have to make one monthly payment instead of trying to pay off several different creditors. You won't have to pay more than what you can afford.
Once you have started your plan to consolidate your debt, the next step will be to pay off your creditors and get rid of your debt for good. This is the step where you'll get real peace of mind and feel great about your finances again, because you won't have to worry about all that debt every time you want to do something fun. You will also have money left over that you can spend on something you want instead of just paying off your bills.
Your top goal should be to combine all of your debts into one and then pay them off. Do those things right now.