Student loans are a way for students who want to go to college but don't qualify for scholarships and can't work enough to pay for school to get the money they need. Even though borrowing money is never the best way to pay for something, hundreds of thousands of people would not have been able to go to college without student loans. Even state colleges and universities can cost more than $15,000 per year for people who live in the state.
Student loans may make it easier for you to go to college, but when you graduate, you will have to start paying back the loans. You'll also be starting out in your career and probably have to pay for things like setting up your own home, paying for your own transportation, and taking care of all your own money. Your starting salary may not be enough to cover the basics of life, and if you have student loans, you may be in trouble for a long time.
What's good about consolidating college loans?
But help is available. One way to make those student loans easier on your finances is to combine them into one loan. College loan consolidation lets you take out one big loan to pay off all your student loans at once. This way, you only have to make one payment each month instead of several. You may also find that the monthly payment for your consolidated student loans is less than the sum of the monthly payments for your individual student loans.
A college loan consolidation may also help you save money on interest payments, so you can pay off the principal of your loans faster than if you kept making payments on each one separately. Student loans are known for having different interest rates, and the chances are good that some of yours will cost you more in monthly interest charges than a college loan consolidation will.
There are many benefits to consolidating college loans, such as lower interest rates, lower monthly payments, or a lower payoff amount, or maybe even all three. Getting a lower APR means that the total amount of money you pay back over the life of the college loan consolidation will be less than what you would have paid for your student loans. See for more information on School Loan.
The Pros of Making One Payment
It will also save you the trouble of having to check your bank account several times a month to make sure you have enough money to pay your student loans. If you only have one monthly bill, you can set aside enough money at the start of the month to cover it and be done. You can even set it up so that your college loan consolidation payment is automatically taken out of your bank account each month, so you don't even have to write a check.