There are many credit card processing companies to choose from. How do you know which one to go with? Will they help your business? How much do they cost? Can you count on them? Finding the right credit card processing company can be a lot easier with the help of the internet. Do your research and find out which one has the things you need and want in a company.
First, you may be worried about the start-up costs, even though reliability and trust are more important. Some businesses don't charge anything to get started, while others can charge up to $250. You should make sure that the company you choose is both affordable and worth the money.
Then, of course, you need to think about any other fees that may be needed. Most services that process credit cards charge different kinds of fees every month. For example, a gateway fee could cost you anywhere from $10 to $50 or more per month, depending on which company you choose.
You might also have to pay a statement fee every month. Most companies will charge you between $9 and $10 a month for this. Then you have to think about the monthly minimums. These will be different from company to company, but they are usually between $20 and $30 per month.
Also, the fees don't end there. There will also be fees for each transaction. The average fee per transaction is between twenty-four cents and thirty-five cents. Then, on top of that, the company will probably take a cut of each transaction, which could be anywhere from 2.14 percent to 2.40 percent on average. Lastly, some companies that process credit cards charge a fee to check an address. If they do charge, it usually costs between 5 and 10 cents per address.
In other words, you need to find a company that is cheap, reliable, and honest while also fitting your budget.
Then you have to go through the trouble of finding a credit card processing company that has all the features your business needs. This is just as important as the price, because you don't want to pay a lot for credit card processing if the company can't meet your needs.
Some features you may or may not need to look for are:
Payment Center
Virtual Terminal
Business account
how many days it takes for payments to clear
Services for e-checks
Swiper at the Point of Sale
Billing Over and Over
Shopping Cart
Then, you should look at how the company that processes credit cards protects your business. Some things you should definitely look for in a company are:
Fraud Protection
CVV2 Acceptance
Doing things in real time
Checking the address
Then you need to think about what credit cards you want to accept and whether or not the credit card processing company can handle them. These are the most common credit cards that can be used:
American Express is a credit card company.
Lastly, you want to make sure that the credit card processing company you choose gives you the help and support you need when you need it. Features, fraud protection, and the credit cards you can accept are all very important, but you also want to make sure that the company you choose gives you the help and support you need. Here are some suggestions to help you decide:
Make sure that their fax number is easy to find.
Make sure that they can be reached by email and that it is easy to do so.
Check out how long they are open for support. The best companies are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Does the company give you a free phone number to call? This is good for any business.
If you care about Live Online Chat, look for this as well.
Overall, you should make sure that the credit card processing company you choose fits not only your budget but also your needs and requirements.